
This area is specifically curated to support your learning journey in data science using R and Python programming. Here, we have compiled a comprehensive set of learning materials, datasets and tools designed to enhance your understanding and skills.


Name Description Author Categories
sketchy-html Sketchy HTML document using Rough Notation schochastics  
letter-pdf PDF format for creating letters. Mickaël CANOUIL  
hikmah-pdf Opinionated PDF format with support to biblatex-chicago and more. andrewheiss  
titlepage-pdf PDF format with custom title page or book cover. nmfs-opensci  
inrae INRAE formats for HTML, PDF, Docx, Revealjs, and Beamer davidcarayon  
bookup HTML format providing light and dark themes and suitable for documents, books and websites juba  
fancy-doc A PDF format that brings LaTeX’s fancyhdr package into Quarto for miscellaneous documents. DamonCharlesRoberts  
invoice-typst Quarto Typst template extension to make invoices. Mickaël CANOUIL  
PrettyPDF Quarto extension to generate a PDF with (pretty) LaTeX styling. Nicola Rennie  
storybook-revealjs Medieval inspired format for Revealjs Mickaël CANOUIL  
coeos-revealjs Dark grey / white based format for Revealjs Mickaël CANOUIL  
rladies-revealjs R-Ladies format for Revealjs beatrizmilz  
onyxia-revealjs Onyxia format for Revealjs InseeFrLab  
blackboard-revealjs Blackboard like format for Revealjs schochastics  
nes-revealjs NES.css format for Revealjs EmilHvitfeldt  
rlille-revealjs R Lille (R User Group) format for Revealjs Mickaël CANOUIL  
metropolis-revealjs Beamer Metropolis like format for Revealjs. Shafayet Khan Shafee  
illinois-revealjs University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign inspired theme for the reveal.js format based on Metropolis. James Joseph Balamuta  
clean-revealjs A minimal and elegant theme for reveal.js, inspired by modern Beamer templates. Grant McDermott  
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