How to Draw a Textual Table with GGPLOT and Color Cells Conditionally

plot of chunk draw-textual-table-and-color-cells

How to Draw a Textual Table with GGPLOT and Color Cells Conditionally

# Load required R packages

# Example of data from statistical tests
stat.test <- tibble::tribble(
  ~supp, ~group1, ~group2,  ~p.adj, ~p.signif,
   "VC",   "0.5",     "1", 3.4e-06,    "****",
   "VC",   "0.5",     "2", 2.8e-07,    "****",
   "VC",     "1",     "2", 0.00026,    "****",
   "OJ",   "0.5",     "1", 0.00026,    "****",
   "OJ",   "0.5",     "2", 5.3e-06,    "****",
   "OJ",     "1",     "2",   0.039,       "*"

# Create a ggtextable
ggtab <- ggtexttable(stat.test, rows = NULL, theme = ttheme("classic"))

# Specify colors for significant p-values
stat.test <- stat.test %>% 
    fill = ifelse(p.adj < 0.01, "green", "gray"),
    color = "black"
## # A tibble: 6 x 7
##   supp  group1 group2      p.adj p.signif fill  color
##   <chr> <chr>  <chr>       <dbl> <chr>    <chr> <chr>
## 1 VC    0.5    1      0.0000034  ****     green black
## 2 VC    0.5    2      0.00000028 ****     green black
## 3 VC    1      2      0.000260   ****     green black
## 4 OJ    0.5    1      0.000260   ****     green black
## 5 OJ    0.5    2      0.0000053  ****     green black
## 6 OJ    1      2      0.039      *        gray  black
# Coloring the table conditionnally using `ggpubr::table_cell_bg()`
for(i in 1:nrow(stat.test)){
  row = i+1
  column = which(colnames(stat.test) == "p.adj")
  ggtab <- table_cell_bg(
    ggtab, row = row, column = column,
    fill = stat.test$fill[i], color = stat.test$color[i]
print( ggtab)

plot of chunk draw-textual-table-and-color-cells

# Read more:

Version: Français

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