Install WordPress with Docker

Install WordPress with Docker

Install WordPress with Docker

This article shows how to install WordPress with docker for local development (on either Windows, MAC or Ubuntu) and for online production.

The installation tool kit and setup files include:

  • WordPress files
  • MariaDB/MySQL used for WordPress database
  • phpMyAdmin interface to connect to your MySQL database
  • WP-Cli: WordPress Command Line Interface
  • Makefile directives for automatization.

You will learn:

  • WordPress Docker directory structure
  • Docker-compose and Wp-Cli configuration files
  • Installing WordPress using docker-compose


Quick start

You can automatically deploy a local docker wordpress site in 5 minutes using the following commands. Two options are available: make command and docker-compose standard commands.

# Download a wordpress docker-compose example
git clone
cd wordpress-docker-compose

# Use make command for automatic installation and
# configuration of wordpress
make autoinstall

# Or, use docker-compose standard commands
docker-compose up -d --build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f wp-auto-config.yml run --rm wp-auto-config
  1. Visit your wordpress website at http://localhost. Default identification for admin (http://localhost/wp-login.php):
  • Username: wordpress and
  • Password: wordpress


  1. Visit your database via phpMyAdmin at http://localhost:8080
  • Username: root and
  • Password: password


Shutdown and cleanup

# Stop and remove containers
docker-compose down
# Build, and start the wordpress website
docker-compose up -d --build
# Reset everything
docker-compose down
rm -rf mysql/* wordpress/*

Note that, instead of using the above docker-compose commands, you can also use easily the following make shortcut command lines if you have Unix systems (MAC / Linux).

# Build, and start the wordpress website
make start
# Stop and remove wordpress docker containers
make down
# Reset everything
make reset

Version: Français


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